The annual District Performance Assessment Tool (DPAT) as the name suggests is an assessment for all Districts nationwide and this assessment has begun nationwide with the Ada West District Assembly holding its entry conference on Wednesday 27th July, 2022, and its exit conference expected on Thursday 28th July, 2022
The assessment is to find out how well Assemblies have performed in line with their mandate. This assessment is a medium by which Central Government assess performance of Districts and an average is struck nationwide at the end of the assessment and funds allocated according to the performance of Districts.
Attached herewith are pictures of the entry conference held, and in attendance was the Hon. Sampson T. Kpankpah, District Chief Executive Ada West District, Hon. Philip T. Sai, Presiding Member Ada West District, Mr. Aaron Otoo, Coordinating Director, Ada West District Assembly and heads of various decentralized departments and units
Below are pictures of the event: